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儿科 第10页
口疳oral gan disease中医药学 > 儿科详情
牙疳gingival gan disease中医药学 > 儿科详情
走马疳noma中医药学 > 儿科详情
小儿脱肛infantile proctoptosis中医药学 > 儿科详情
小儿心悸infantile palpitations中医药学 > 儿科详情
小儿心悸·心虚胆怯证infantile palpitation with syndrome of heart deficiency and timidity中医药学 > 儿科详情
小儿心悸·心脾两虚证infantile palpitation with syndrome of deficiency of both heart and spleen中医药学 > 儿科详情
小儿心悸·阴虚火旺证infantile palpitation with syndrome of exuberant fire due to yin deficiency中医药学 > 儿科详情
小儿心悸·心血瘀阻证infantile palpitation with syndrome of blockade due to heart blood stasis中医药学 > 儿科详情
小儿心悸·水气凌心证infantile palpitation with syndrome of water qi invading heart中医药学 > 儿科详情
小儿心悸·心阳虚证infantile palpitation with syndrome of heart yang deficiency中医药学 > 儿科详情
惊风infantile convulsion中医药学 > 儿科详情
急惊风acute infantile convulsion中医药学 > 儿科详情
急惊风·风热发搐证acute infantile convulsion due to wind-heat中医药学 > 儿科详情
急惊风·暑热发搐证acute infantile convulsion due to hot-summerheat中医药学 > 儿科详情
急惊风·温热疫毒证acute infantile convulsion with syndrome of warm-heat and pestilent toxin中医药学 > 儿科详情
急惊风·湿热疫毒证acute infantile convulsion with syndrome of damp-heat and pestilent toxin中医药学 > 儿科详情
急惊风·痰食惊风证acute infantile convulsion due to phlegm-food中医药学 > 儿科详情
急惊风·惊恐惊风证acute infantile convulsion due to fright中医药学 > 儿科详情
慢惊风chronic infantile convulsion中医药学 > 儿科详情
慢惊风·脾虚肝旺证chronic infantile convulsion with syndrome of spleen deficiency and liver hyperactivity中医药学 > 儿科详情
慢惊风·阴虚动风证chronic infantile convulsion with syndrome of wind stirring due to yin deficiency中医药学 > 儿科详情
慢惊风·气血两虚证chronic infantile convulsion with syndrome of deficiency of both qi and blood中医药学 > 儿科详情
慢惊风·脾肾阳虚证chronic infantile convulsion with syndrome of yang deficiency of spleen and kidney中医药学 > 儿科详情
夜啼nocturnal crying中医药学 > 儿科详情
夜啼·脾虚中寒证nocturnal crying with syndrome of spleen deficiency and cold attack中医药学 > 儿科详情
夜啼·心经积热证nocturnal crying with syndrome of accumulated heat in Heart Channel中医药学 > 儿科详情
夜啼·惊恐伤神证nocturnal crying with syndrome of fright injuring spirit中医药学 > 儿科详情
小儿癫infantile epilepsy中医药学 > 儿科详情
小儿癫·发作期seizure stage of infantile epilepsy中医药学 > 儿科详情
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